Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

My family visited Kings Dominion (an amusement park) today with members of one of our clubs. There were thousands upon thousands of people in the park. At exactly 12:00pm, everyone and everything in the park stopped for a moment of silence to collectively remember. The silence ended when the voice of a lone soprano sang a beautiful rendition of our National Anthem - The Star-Spangled Banner. Everyone in our group stood with hands over hearts. It was beautiful and touching. When the song ended, there were cheers and applause - an appropriate response.

I am hopeful that our country will be brought closer together as we were in those days immediately following 9/11/01. I truly believe this is the greatest nation on earth for many reasons. I also believe there are quite a few things we can do better. And I have faith that we will.

I will never forget.

God Bless America!

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