Saturday, September 24, 2011

Feeling Soupy (or Fall is Here)

I. Love. Summer. I always have. I grew up in Southern then Northern California where I experienced 2.5 of the 4 seasons of the year (which explains some of my disconnect to life here in in the Mid-Atlantic/Northern South Region of the great United States). Still, summer seems to be the happiest time of the year for me. I always need a bit of a nudge to change my mindset to things autumnal.

As we transition into Fall, I am re-reading French Women for All Seasons by Mireille Guiliano. She gives a wonderful perspective on that to which we have to look forward in the coming weeks. As I read yesterday, Madame Guiliano imparted wisdom on the beauty and bounty of autumn - particularly the seasonal foods that abound, the importance of continuing to partake in outdoor activities as weather allows and the use of scarves for pulling together a simple and elegant fall look. I have a few scarves which I enjoy. I'm just not very creative with them, Still, I'm looking forward to pulling them out - long with some woolen plaids, tweeds, and corduroy. Fall can be fun. Next week the boys and I will visit a local farm with friends and season will be in full swing.
I have to tell you. 1.) I am a bit of a Foodie. I enjoy eating well-prepared whole foods. I like preparing dishes (that take fewer than 8 ingredients including salt and pepper) and I collect cookbooks - the most prized of which are those with amazing pictures. Don't tell anyone but I bookmark a few cooking-related blogs just to read the recipes and look at the pretty pictures. The best blog hands down of this genre is Ree Drummond's The Pioneer Woman. I dare you to visit over there, click around and not be inspired to cook...or at least eat. Ree reminds me of Elsie Masterson of Blueberry Hill Cookbook fame. I picked up a terrific first edition at a book sale at our local library a couple of years ago. (I so appreciate the public library. Thank you, Benjamin Franklin.) This cookbook is wonderful to read although I must confess that I've not attempted to create any of the recipes yet. Regardless, in a literary sense, I love the way it's written as though she is simply jotting down cooking instructions for a friend.
I quite admire each of these women for their efforts and success in transitioning in the manner of dear Martha (Stewart, of course) from Big City Successful Professional Single Lady to Rural Domesticated Wife/Mother Who Has Carved Out a Successful Business in Homemaking. This season I have a goal to make something good involving squash, some kind of oatmeal-apple sweet, and a savory hearty soup for which the lads will beg me to make on the chilly days ahead. I imagine my future (aproned) self ladling snack-sized portions into bowls for them. I'm thinking of some kind of chicken soup and a vegetable chowder or cream soup of sorts. Note to self - Must acquire Soup Tureen. If I master it, I might even have friends over for soup and crusty bread. OK, getting carried away.

Meanwhile, the reality of the new season continues to come into focus. It was Back to School Night this past week at the children's school. Tuesday evening for the younger lad; Thursday evening for the elder. My husband and I continue to be pleased with the school to which we transferred them last year with hope for a smaller more academic and nurturing environment for learning. School clubs are underway and Our sons are excited about them. Our older son was feeling rather chuffed as he's been elected by his classmates (along with one other student) to represent his class in Student Council. 14 of the 27 students in his class asked to be on the ballot and applied for the "job." I'm proud of him just for trying something new and continuing to blossom and not seeing himself as "the new kid" anymore. 

I accept that it's time to pack away most of the shorts and tee shirts until next spring. (Of course, I'll leave out a few for warmer days and because my lads are just happier when they are wearing shorts for some reason.)

It's not terribly cold this morning and we have a break between rain showers, I may just take my bike out for a quick ride before the male people in my house rise. Happy Fall!

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