Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Beloved Rowenta circa 1994 - R.I.P.

In 1994, I had been married for about two years. We were DINKs (Dual-Income, No Kids) and I saw a product on QVC that I believed would easily bring joy to our humble dwelling. The product was an incredible steam iron from Rowenta. This Rowenta Powerglide Iron was Made in Germany, generated large bursts of steam, glided effortlessly as I ironed. It was magical. I actually came to enjoy ironing. It was somewhat therapeutic. The fragranced steam. The rhythm of the movement. The immediate feeling of accomplishment. During the time I was ironing, I felt that I had control in a world of chaos (to paraphrase Dionne from the movie - Clueless). Husband was amazed that I'd paid three of four times (if not more) the cost of our previous iron for this one. But, he totally "got it" after he used it.

So after, 17 years of excellent service, our original Rowenta has given up the proverbial ghost. The last few months were brutal with the banging and shaking to turn on and stay on. It became clear that all the internet research and troubleshooting in the world would not further extend the life of this iron which had already given so much.

I set off to find a replacement iron. Nothing would do except another Rowenta of course. Why change horses mid-stream? Why fix what isn't broken? After all, I thought, if Rowenta created awesome irons in the 1990's, they must be producing amazing ones now. I mean I would prefer to simply replace my dearly departed iron with an exact same make and model; but, if that isn't available due to some fantastic new technology, I'll take it. So I cast myself on to the internets, to see what the world of Rowenta offers in 2011. Boy, was I in for it.

To be continued...

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