Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy Aniversary, Micha and Barry!

Michelle and Barack Obama celebrated their 19th wedding anniversary this past weekend. After seeing a Nightly News tease about their romantic dinner at a restaurant in Old Town Alexandria, my older son said, "Hey, 19 years! Just like you!" I agreed and added, "It looks like 1992 was a great year for people to get married." We watched the story and saw the President and First Lady smiling as they went from the car into the restaurant, then from the restaurant to the car. What a super example for my sons. Thank you, First Couple!

Later that night, as we were dressing for bed, I asked my husband if he saw the story of Micha and Barry. He had.

Me: That Michelle is living the dream, isn't she?

He: What do you mean?

Me: First, she has the smarts then put in the time, money and effort to earn a law degree (from Harvard!) and then puts forth the same effort to build a career in a sweet side of law (similar to the kind of law that I hope to practice someday) where the lawyer lends advice and uses skills and education to help folks acquire and protect their families and their assets. Then, whilst living her life, doing "the right thing" she is pursued by the interesting, intellectual, (dare I say, geeky), attractive fellow-Harvard grad (recently hired by her firm so she knows that he has passed a background check). He's a bit of a romantic and makes her smile. Her family likes and appreciates him. She marries him. They have two adorable daughters. She continues working. She moves into executive Public Relations career at big time operations and sits on the Board of Directors at a major company. All while maintaining stong familial bonds. He continues his public service pursuits. She becomes a senator's wife. Then, the president's wife. (Complete with date nights no less!)

Even now, 19 years into it, he looks her in the eye while she speaks and sometimes watches her mouth. He smiles at her when she isn't looking. His body language indicates that he is proud of her and delighted by her. He seems to genuinely enjoy her company - with the girls and without. He appears to love her and appreciate her contributions to his family and to the country. Moreover, she now spends most of her days doing work about which she feels passionate - Being Mom, Healthy Living Advocate and Supporting Military Families with Jill Biden (shout out to Dr. Biden - fellow English Major!) Her husband works out of their home office essentially and joins the family for dinner by 6:00 every night (unless he is travelling). Her mother can be in her presence within 45 minutes and is a rich supportive presence for her little girls. Her daughters attend a well appointed Friends school and they have trained secret service agents to guard them everywhere they go. They are free to have a happy safe childhood. Not too mention, all the other resources (willing friends and co-workers) who would be thrilled at the opportunity to assist her in ANY way. Plus, so much available time to pray, study, plan, meditate, write and look your best. Moreover, she has a law degree so she always has a profession that she can resume whenever she chooses. The real beauty part of it all is that she is quite aware that her position is fully a temporary situation so she can embrace it and relish it all the more. That right there is "the dream."

He: "Oh. I don't know if I'd call that "the dream."

Me: "I would."

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