Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dress + Color = Fun

I love dresses! I mean it. I. Love. Dresses. Specifically, ones with defined waists and full bottoms. Perhaps because that's my preferred silhouette. Actually, this is also my personal physical silhouette. (Work with what you have, right?) So, I received an advertisement via email and Lilly Pulitzer today. And now - without further ado, I give you - The Eryn:  
The Eryn
PC's Unscientific Color Psychology Analysis
White - Purity & Openness
Pink  - Kindness & Hope
Blue - Calmness & Loyalty
Oh, Eryn, sweetie, you're almost too cute! You're super adorable. You totally make me smile. And isn't that what Lilly is all about? Happy dressing?

What wonderful memories we could make together!

I am a big believer in the psychology of color. While I have no true evidence of the affects of what I wear on how I behave and how people respond to me, I have a strong suspicion that it is real! I have things in my wardrobe that absolutely affects people's moods. I am usually very intentional in my dressing. This goes back to my corporate days. I used color and structure to project both my mood and how I wished to be engaged on any given day (IE., tailored dark suit jacket with heels for serious business meetings or a soft or bright sweater/knit with loafers for team building pizza and/or putting.)

During my stay-at-home-mother of preschoolers phase, I always wore color when with the children deferring to black, greys and taupe for "mom's night out" events.

As I've transitioned into being a mother with elementary school-aged children, I continue to use color and structure to support me as in whatever activity I have planned for the day - be it professional meetings with an accountants (all business), political leaders or educators (all business), volunteering at the school's book fair or substitute teaching (comfortable yet business),  going to church (lovely and business), playing tennis with my sons (sporty whites), playing bridge with my friends (cute top and accessories), date night with the Husband (it is imperative to look ladylike, cute and fresh on date night - one of the ways to keep husband).

I can't justify the cost of the pretty Eryn for the date night dress. (Boo, pout.) So for now, I will commit Eryn's color combination to memory (knowing that the pattern is half the fun) and will put something together that mimics the feeling of the dress.

Thank you, Lilly Pulitzer, for inspiring a fun new ensemble for me and those in my circle.

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