Saturday, May 7, 2016

Popping in for an UPDATE

Dear Readers,

It has been so long since I have posted in this space. I trust we've all had some time to read, experiment, practice and grow in that time.

I have been doing all of the above and am appreciating life.

I now am now a mother to sons no long in the single digits - agewise! I've found that it's true what they say about the days being long but the years being short. I am such a proud mum and can't wait for the summer break to begin!

I enjoy a handful of leisure activities. Reading continues to be the love of my life. This is not an exaggeration. I'm making an effort to integrate more fiction again as I have read almost only fiction for the past four or five years. And for me, that's a lot of non-fiction. What else? Although mastering Bridge continues to be a challenge for me. I tend to fall back on Scrabble because I've played it for years and am a pretty good recreational player. Bridge is very math-y yet social plus, as I understand it, it's important for brain health to continue to learn new things. Speaking of brain health, I contend that Baking is Science. So, there's that.

I continue to be our family's Director of Operations and Facilities Management whilst continuing to teach part-time and relaunch my Children's Etiquette Business. This time I'm adding a Tea Party component. I love that I have a business reason to acquire some new dresses and maybe a hat or two. 

There's loads more but this is all for today. Feel free to share advice you may have on the following topics:

Where to you find good simple healthy recipes on-line that actually taste good?
How do you manage typical teens and screen time?
What the best source/way to learn to play Bridge?
What are the most important matters of etiquette all children in America should know?
What do you moms do for fun? 

Until next time,


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