Saturday, January 11, 2014

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jog

Happy New Year!!!

So, 2013 was the year I pretty much my fully sacrificial year. I was offered a job in January. It was a temporary gig that should have been about 6 weeks that ended up running through the end of December 2013. I made some money; but (and this is a big BUT), I ended up giving nearly half of it away with the added costs of child care, wardrobe update (very minimal), work meals and prepared meals.

I can't tell you how many things simply went undone.

I won't tell you how many pounds I put on.

I hate to say the work involved with getting our house back to haven.

No worries. I am so looking forward to getting things ship shape around here - whilst continuing the search for a more suitable position for me. Time to roll up my sleeves.

More to come.


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