Monday, November 5, 2012

VOTE - It will make you feel big and strong!


"Go vote. It makes you feel big and strong."
~ Bob Schieffer's Mother

For goodness sake people - VOTE!

So, no one has heard the old cliche - "Living well is the best revenge?"

I think President Obama was trying to be clever and make kind of a play on words when he said "Don't boo. Voting is the best revenge." He forgets sometimes that being "one of the smartest guys" in the room sometimes means one must keep it plain and simple or the addlebrained gets all confused and makes inaccurate (read: crazy) assumptions. However, it seems Mr. Romney rightly assumed the vast majority of his followers aren't particularly well read nor particularly intelligent enough to make the connection or they are quick to assume the worst possible intent and he bet the farm on the idea that they wouldn't "get" the pun. Sheesh!

Oh well, I "got" it and thought it was kind of funny. Only later did I hear that the Romney/Ryan crew got it twisted. Wow.

Meanwhile, I refer back to this image that was posted by chipsticks over at some months ago -

I can not wait to get out there and vote tomorrow!

~ Sylvie

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