Saturday, November 17, 2012

Law School Concept Get Out of My Head!

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I'm getting that urge again. That crazy urge to apply, attend and complete law school. It really is ridiculously impossible at present. Here's what kicked it off.

I received an email message from Concord Law School of Kaplan University. Granted, I gave them my email address because I was strongly considering the school as an option about 5 years ago. But after I made my decision to NOT persue, I never expected to hear from them again. The email contained a survey about my thoughts when i was considering the school. Something in my gut, makes me think that it is a marketing ploy to dredge up that very feeling. How dare they try to manipulate me!

Anywho, I filled it out (like the sheep that I am) and now expect to hear from them again..and again...and again.

Oh, law school predeliction, I wish I knew how to quit you?!

~ Sylvie

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