Sunday, November 25, 2012

You Roasted Your Turkey in What???!!!

What a lovely Thanksgiving we had here in Virginia. Our little nuclear family played host to no one this year and really enjoyed out time together. Waking slowly and unrushed. The boys and I watched the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade for a while, then because they are my sons, they went out to ride bikes in our back woods. Of course that ended when the younger somehow flattened his tire. I knew there was a reason that people usually ride bikes on dirt paths or roads. Ah, to be a kid again.

Because it was a special day for me personally (birthday), I was allowed to lounge about guilt-free whilst husband prepared an absolutely delicious traditional Thankgiving Dinner. The menu included - Waldorf Salad (my only homemade contribution - I used Craisins instead of grapes), green bean french fried onion casserole, fresh mashed potatoes, candied sweet potatoes, collard greens, cornbread-french baguette-sausage stuffing, jellied cranberry sauce, parkerhouse rolls (I put the Sister Schubert's pan in the oven), giblet gravy and a perfectly seasonally seasoned Turkey cooked in a Schlemmertopf Classic Glazed Clay Cooker. It was INSANELY DELICIOUS! And, for dessert we had old-fashioned apple pie and a Mrs. Smith's Peach Cobbler. For beverages, we mixed Diet Ginger Ale with Diet Blueberry-Pomegranate Juice for one choice. Other choices included Water, Ocean Spray White-Cran & Peach Juice, Sprite, 1% Milk and TruMoo. I have to say again that it was soooooo good.

Now about the Schlemmertopf Classic Glazed Clay Cooker, we'd never used it before but instinctively knew that it would work for our family. Our bird was about 9 lbs and fit comfortably in the cooker. Husband had prepared it with fresh herbs, chopped onions, carrot and celery, and fresh lemon wedges all drizzled with olive oil. It was beautiful and tender and delicious - everything a turkey should be on Thanksgiving Day. 

So, if you ever come across one of these old fashioned clay cookers - which are not very expensive but are not so very common here in the good old U.S.A. - I recommend that you buy it and try it. We picked up ours second hand. It had never been used. Still I washed it, poured boiling water over it, baked it, and washed it again before using it.The food was so flavorful and pretty healthful. It is absolutely going to give my little honey of a Crock-pot a run for it's proverbial money.

I can't wait to do more experimenting with it in the coming weeks as we fully embrace the winter season. I wonder what Martha has to say about them.

The Schlemmertopf Clay Bakers Collection

If you love simple, flavorful, tender food that doesn't take tons of time to prepare, you still have time to acquire one for your family in time for the upcoming holiday season.

Today I'll pull out the Christmas decorations - Yay!

~ Sylvie

Note - As usual, I was not compensated in any way for this post.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Law School Concept Get Out of My Head!

Image courtesy of
I'm getting that urge again. That crazy urge to apply, attend and complete law school. It really is ridiculously impossible at present. Here's what kicked it off.

I received an email message from Concord Law School of Kaplan University. Granted, I gave them my email address because I was strongly considering the school as an option about 5 years ago. But after I made my decision to NOT persue, I never expected to hear from them again. The email contained a survey about my thoughts when i was considering the school. Something in my gut, makes me think that it is a marketing ploy to dredge up that very feeling. How dare they try to manipulate me!

Anywho, I filled it out (like the sheep that I am) and now expect to hear from them again..and again...and again.

Oh, law school predeliction, I wish I knew how to quit you?!

~ Sylvie

Friday, November 9, 2012


This lovely image reflects my feelings regarding the result of President Obama's last campaign.

Monday, November 5, 2012

VOTE - It will make you feel big and strong!


"Go vote. It makes you feel big and strong."
~ Bob Schieffer's Mother

For goodness sake people - VOTE!

So, no one has heard the old cliche - "Living well is the best revenge?"

I think President Obama was trying to be clever and make kind of a play on words when he said "Don't boo. Voting is the best revenge." He forgets sometimes that being "one of the smartest guys" in the room sometimes means one must keep it plain and simple or the addlebrained gets all confused and makes inaccurate (read: crazy) assumptions. However, it seems Mr. Romney rightly assumed the vast majority of his followers aren't particularly well read nor particularly intelligent enough to make the connection or they are quick to assume the worst possible intent and he bet the farm on the idea that they wouldn't "get" the pun. Sheesh!

Oh well, I "got" it and thought it was kind of funny. Only later did I hear that the Romney/Ryan crew got it twisted. Wow.

Meanwhile, I refer back to this image that was posted by chipsticks over at some months ago -

I can not wait to get out there and vote tomorrow!

~ Sylvie