Sunday, December 25, 2011

I Love Christmas!

I do. I love Christmas. So what's so great about Christmas?
1. The reminder of Christ's beginning and what his life was all about.
2. The time to really connect with family and (real live lifelong) friends and hearing about what is most important and interesting to them at this moment of their lives.
3. Gaining inspiration from my (virtual) friends who do lovely things at this time of year.
4. The stronger desire and efforts to perform community service to those in need as well as for our favorite neighbors.
5. Trying new festive recipes and decorations specific to the season.
6. Too many more to mention.

As I type this,  "Happy Birthday to Jesus" has been sung, gifts have been opened and I have a Breakfast Casserole in the oven which smells delish. My sons have expressed disappointment that there were to be no "Christmas Pancakes." So, yes, I am about to prepare a pancake or two. After all, it's Christmas and they will need the extra energy for those "thank you" phone calls and notes.

Wishing you a happy and festive holiday
season filled with traditions old and new!

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