Monday, February 13, 2012

Ready for Take Off

Aaaaaah. What a wonderfully clear and chilly day it is today. I think that this has been the mildest winter I have ever experienced since moving to Northern Virginia. It has been a wee bit disappointing as we just bought a Snow Joe and everyone in my family currently has puffy vests, coats, and snow boats that fit. Also, my current job allows me to bring my kids with if needed on Snow Days. Oh well, still good to know that I am prepared for next year.

I am now taking steps to a new and improved self:

1. Today I met with a trainer and have a fitness program on paper at the gym.

2. I have purchased some decent workout clothes that look like they were purchased in this century so that I don't look like this:
 I mean Olivia Newton-John is cute and all. It's just that the look wouldn't work for me. I would like to look more like the models in the Athleta catalogue.

3. I have a hair appointment for Friday to see what we can do to update and get this hair healthy again.

The only three outstanding action items are - annual visit to my doctor, a visit to set up a new dentist, and finding a church home. These are actually really important- if not the most important. That last item is the absolute hardest thing I've ever had to do - in the top 5 anyway. But, that's a post for a different day. I digress.

Now if only I could find someway to pay for Law School, oops. Again, I digress.

So back to me and my lifestyle improvement program. I have been making some really terrific (if I do say so myself) winter comfort meals from whole foods (not the store mind you). I am now taking notes whilst watching Emeril Green.  If you  haven't seen Emeril Lagasse's new show on Planet Green and you are trying to eat real food, you need to give it a watch. Honestly, I was not even a huge fan of his on any of his other shows. I mean he seems like a nice enough guy but the big "BAM!" and the habit of "kicking things up a notch" just didn't draw me in. OH, but this new one is Uh-mazing! I don't know if it's because he clearly is a certifiable CHEF by the way he wields a knife and throws off the fancy cooking terms; or, if it's because it seems to be filmed locally (somewhere within 100 miles of my house); or, if the sun always seems to be shining on the days he films. In any case, the show totally rocks. The information he shares on being green in the kitchen and on how to feed our bodies (and our families' bodies) better is just sooooo good.

I wonder if there are other chef's making little/no pre-processed meals accessible to the masses. Do you know of any?