Friday, November 11, 2011

Veterans Day - 11/11/11

West Point Cadet Henry O. Flipper
Second Lieutenant Henry Ossian Flipper
Image Courtesy of
While I am a person who genuinely gravitates toward peace and harmony, I have so much admiration for those who give of themselves in pursuit of service to all of us in this great nation. I would be happy to go so far as to say that I have the luxury of this peacenik perspective as a direct result of the efforts of those who have served as well as those who are continuing to serve. Today, I want to introduce to some and present to others a distinguished veteran from long ago - Henry Ossian Flipper.

Henry O. Flipper was the first american of african descent to graduate from West Point. He was literally and directly an African-American. (His parents were abducted from their homes in Africa to work in the United States as slaves; and, he was born in these Thomasville, Georgia in 1856.) His is an interesting story and I plan to learn more about him. To read more about this veteran of note, visit the National Park Service's website - here.

To Our Dear USA Veterans -
Thank you for your service to this great nation. Your efforts continue to be appreciated.
God Bless You!